
Viser opslag fra april, 2018

installing noobs with pibakery on 64gb SD card

software that makes it easy to install noobs I used SD Card Formatter to format my 64gb SD card, and used the Full Write option to format the card. Then i installed and ran the instructions: http://www.pibakery.org/docs/install-win.html

Cheat sheet

The following are some of the ways to remove docker images/containers: Remove single image docker rmi image_name:version/image-id Remove all images docker rmi $(docker images -qf "dangling=true") Kill containers and remove them: docker rm $(docker kill $(docker ps -aq)) Note: Replace  kill  with  stop  for graceful shutdown Remove all images except "my-image" Use grep to remove all except  my-image  and  ubuntu docker rmi $(docker images | grep -v 'ubuntu\|my-image' | awk {'print $3'}) Or  (without awk) docker rmi $(docker images --quiet | grep -v $(docker images --quiet ubuntu:my-image)) Delete all docker containers docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) Delete all docker images docker rmi $(docker images -q) Removing Containers To remove specific container docker rm CONTAINER_ID CONTAINER_ID For single image docker rm 70c0e19168cf For multiple images docker rm 70c0e19168cf c2ce80b62174 Remove exite...